Saturday, October 25, 2008

Introducing Sweet Pea Designs

I started this spring making cards for people. I have used some pictures that I have taken to incorporate with my cards. I have sold three cards at work and finally came up with a name, Sweet Pea Designs.

I love spending time being inspired. I have so many projects that I want to work on. I am always looking for great new ideas and love to find bargains for scrapbooking. I need to make more time for being creative..this is what fills me up. Enjoy and thanks for looking!

Along the road.....

1 comment:

Tom and Ashley said...

Very cool! I love your cards...I have always wanted to sell my cards, and have been suggested to do so, just never found a good way to do it...have fun!!! :) Oh and I LOVE scrapbooking bargins! I am part of a freecycle group here, and have gotten things off of there before, as well as garage sales...anyways, talk to you later!!